It’s All About Data

Licking your thumb and sticking it in the air is not the right way to make decisions, to win, you need intelligence and intelligence comes from data.

ADATA Co is the preferred data platform by many industry associations and governments around the world to collect, store, analyze and disseminate data.

Easy To Use

ADATA is purpose built to simplify data collection and dissemination to ensure your data platform initiative is a success.


Don’t have a PHD in analytics? ADATA is powerful and yet easy to digest and relevant to business decision making.


Failure to compel members to submit data? ADATA solves this by rewarding data submission with FREE data analytics access.


ADATA is SAAS and is FREE to use for industry associations. Optional premium subscriptions is how to keep the lights on.

Real Time

No more getting month old PDF reports. Get access to real time data analytics on your mobile phone anytime anywhere.


ADATA is hosted on Google cloud platform and all data is fully encrypted to ensure data security and confidentiality.


ADATA is a mobile based data analytics platform that is affordable and easy for SMEs and business owners. ADATA makes data submission easy, rewarding and fast.

Mobile Reminder

Data owners get an automated mobile message reminding them to submit data with a secure link periodically.


Data owners submit data on their mobile device using received link without the need for login and passwords.


Upon data submission, data owners get real time analytics reports with benchmarking indexes, metrics and much more.

Business Decisions

With access to in-depth data analytics and benchmarking metrics, data owners can make intelligent business decisions.


For associations and governments, ADATA provides an efficient and effective solution for data analytics. Instead of spending millions on development, go live with ADATA in 1 month and start providing your members with valuable data insights.

Data Dashboard

ADATA empowers in-depth data analytics with interactive dashboards.


Slice and dice to your heart’s content allowing data drilling and different views by geographical, segments, etc.

Detailed Tables

Prefer detailed data tables? ADATA provides raw data tables for further analysis

Web Based

No app, anywhere anytime access for all your personnel on mobile and PC.

Export & Download

ADATA allows aggregated data exports to Excel and CSB. Data security is protected as only aggregated data is exported

Reports & Prints

No more hours spent on creating reports for members. Single click is all that is needed.

Watch Video Demo

Frequently asked questions

You can always drop a message or even go old school and call us if you have any questions.

1. How can I start using ADATA for my organisation ?

ADATA is a customized platform for associations, companies and governments. We customize the analytics reports for each specific industry. Do contact us to know more.

2. What are some of the industries ADATA supports ?

To date, ADATA has been deployed in the hotel industry and F&B industry.

3. Who owns the data submitted into the platform ?

All data submitted is owned by individual data owners and your association / company / organization. ADATA does not own any of these data.

4. Will my organization get the data back when we stop using ADATA ?

Yes, all data can be exported to raw format whenever your organization chooses to migrate to another platform.

5. What messaging apps does ADATA support ?

Whatsapp, FB Messaging, Wechat, Line and Skype.

6. Access link to data owners, how does it work ?

Platform sends scheduled mobile messages with access link to registered data owners. With this link, data owners can submit data without login and passwords.

7. Is this mobile link secure ?

Mobile message link is designed to allow single time use and will expire after a single use. Link will also expire within 3 days if not used.

8. What if data owners have 3 personnel ?

ADATA supports unlimited data owners registered mobile numbers allowing multiple links to be sent to each mobile number. 

9. Will data owners see other owners data ?

No. Data owners can only see their own data and aggregated data from other owners to support benchmarking and business decisions making.

10. Is ADATA free to use ?

Yes. ADATA is free to use for all associations and organizations.

11. How does ADATA makes money ?

We make money by offering OPTIONAL premium services to data owners such as competitors analytics, printable reports and much more.

Contact Us

    ADATA Sdn. Bhd.

    63-2, Block F, Zenith Corporate Park, Jalan SS7/26, Kelana Jaya, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor

    +603 7491 3111